Legal framework
Private investment is the mainspring to economic growth in Tunisia. It isa fundamental cornerstone in the development strategy that would help thecountry respond to its major challenges, mainly in wealth creation,unemployment reduction and inland regions development.
In 2016, Tunisia implemented a set of regulatory reforms aiming at theimprovement of the business climate and at boosting investment, creating morejobs and promoting economic growth.
Private investment is the mainspring to economic growth in Tunisia. It isa fundamental cornerstone in the development strategy that would help thecountry respond to its major challenges, mainly in wealth creation,unemployment reduction and inland regions development.
Law n°2016-71 repealed the 1993 Investments code and enabled the abolitionof the requirement for the higher investment commission approval, when theforeign equityexceeds 50% of the capital for 46 activities et services otherthan fully exporting among the 49 activities listed in Decree n° 492-1994.
In May 2018, the Implementation of Government Decree n° 2018-417 of 11May 2018, on the publication of the exclusive list of economic activitiessubject to authorisation and the list of administrative authorisations forthe implementation of projects, the relating provisions and theirsimplification.
This Decree provided four appendices :
A Law on the improvement of the investment climate was adopted in May2019 (Law n° 2019-47 of 29 May 2019).
Article 2 of this Law requires public bodies to abide, in their relations withinvestors, by the principles of transparency, of procedures simplification, ofdeadlines reduction and of use of modern communication means. These Publicbodies should not require the investors to provide documents that they aresupposed to deliver or that they already have.
Article 15 (bis) of Law n° 2019-47 of 29 May 2019 created within theTunisian Investment Authority, a new commission which is the Commissionfor authorisations and approvals, composed by representatives of theministries and the relevant public bodies.
This commission is in charge of facilitating the implementation of investmentsby the Tunisian Investment Authority according to the laws in force, with theaim of :